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Webinar: SBA Small Business Options for Organizations - April 2020
Thursday, April 09, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Category: Educational Events/Membership Meetings

Please join MSAE for this important online event
Thursday, April 9, 2020  |  11:00 AM

The new Stimulus bill passed by the U.S. government has a lot to offer small businesses, including nonprofits and professional organizations. If you would like to know what's available to help your organization, please join us for this informative, interactive online event.

This online session will feature Steve Bruce, MPA, Business Development Officer at Central Bank. Steve will walk us through the available options to small businesses provided through the new Covid-19 Disaster Relief funding under the Small Business Administration (SBA). We will discuss the application process, what funding may mean to your organization, and where to seek additional help and resources. We encourage all members to join us for this call - there are resources for all organization or business types.

Though this event is free we are asking you to register in advance in order to manage participant count. Please take a moment to register here, after which you will receive log-in instructions.

We look forward to seeing you online on April 9th.



Contact: Julie Lawson, (314) 853-6063; [email protected]